Podcast Partial Transcript: Click HERE to listen to the full episode

There is no doubt that the world has permanently changed as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic that has engulfed the world.  Many are comparing the shock we are experiencing now to the bombing on Pearl Harbor over 75 years ago.  Of course, every generation has a pivotal moment that defines them, and for Generation Z this is it. Not surprisingly then, they are currently having the least challenge adapting to the new social distancing recommendations and digital reality that we have all been thrown into against our will.  What for many years was thought to be a hobby, has now become a necessity for all of us – who better to lead the church out of the current trial then the only generation in existence that has grown up natively digital.  But if Generation Z is going to lead the church to reach the world with the gospel they are going to need the support and mentorship of the older generations.

In today’s episode, I invited Dr. Heather Thompson Day on to the podcast to discuss these dynamics in greater detail. For those of you who don’t know Heather is an interdenominational speaker and contributor for Religion News Service, Newsweek and the Barna Group. She is also an Associate Professor of Communication at Colorado Christian University. She is passionate about supporting women, and runs an online community called I’m That Wife which has over 100k followers and most recently has written a book called Confessions of a Christian Wife.

You can follow Heather on Twitter @HeatherTDay

I started the Interview by asking her about the prevailing picture of God she runs into with most young people she teaches and interacts with.